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Your Voice, Your Vote.

Did you know that your membership with Bridge Credit Union also makes you an owner?  Bridge Credit Union is a financial cooperative owned and governed by its members. A volunteer Board of Directors governs the credit union and represents the needs of the membership by providing vision and direction for the credit union.

As part of this special democracy, YOU get a voice in your credit union through your vote. We are pleased to announce the opportunity to cast your vote for the Board of Directors of Bridge Credit Union for 2025.

Voting ends on March 26, 2025. Please review the candidate biographies below before you cast your vote.  You may cast your vote by clicking the “Vote Now” box, or by completing a paper ballot at one of our locations.

Ronald Wehner II

Ron has served on the Board for 5 years. He is employed with the Ohio Department of Administration Services as Contracts Manager and Financial Manager. He has knowledge in finance, contracts, and accounting. Ron serves on the Employee Relations and IS Committees.

John Audet

John has served on the Board for 5 years. John worked for ODOT, ODAS, and ODPS prior to retirement. He has an extensive background in Business and HR. He is a member of the Employee Relations, IS Committee, and Foundation Feasibility Committee.

Benita Neely

Benita has served on the Board of Directors for 12 years. She is currently employed as Policy Administrator with the Ohio Department of Youth Services. Benita has knowledge in HR. She serves on the Employee Relations and Foundation Feasibility Committees.


Voting ends on March 26, 2025.